Kscope14 for the Database & Developer's Toolkit

Kscope14 is the place to learn all about The Database and Developer’s Toolkit. We have top-rated speakers – including Tom Kyte, Jeff Smith, Jonathan Lewis, Steven Feuerstein, Cary Millsap, Kellyn Pot’Vin, Tim Gorman, Leighton Nelson, and Bobby Curtis – lined up to discuss the following topics:

Sunday Symposium
The Database and Developer's Toolkit Symposium offers a unique set of presentations directly from database development. This year will continue to focus on the latest release of the database, Oracle 12c, and Oracle Exadata. The first two sessions are combined with the Application Express Symposium, where you’ll hear Mike Hichwa and Kris Rice cover Database tools and RESTful access to relational data.

Thursday Deep Dive
Developer’s Tools: And They Lived Happily Ever After….Marrying SQL and PL/SQL – (Calling PL/SQL from SQL)

Flashback to Kscope13
For a preview of what's in store for these tracks at Kscope14, check out an interview with Chet Justice and Leighton Nelson during last year's conference:


There are less than two weeks remaining to take advantage of the Early Bird Rate, which is good through March 25. Don't miss out on getting the best value at Kscope14! Register now and book your hotel room so you can immerse yourself in learning and fun!

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